Unfortunately I believe it's not one of these timeouts.
What you mention below affects TcpTransport, but here we're talking about a 
setter for ActiveMQConnection

On 2021/09/23 16:41:24, Matt Pavlovich <m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin->
> Check out the docs here: https://activemq.apache.org/tcp-transport-reference 
> Sounds like you want ‘client-side'>
> connectionTimeout>
> soTimeout>
> soWriteTimeout>
> Let us know how it goes!>
> -Matt>
> > On Sep 23, 2021, at 11:03 AM, Martin Lichtin <li...@yahoo.com.INVALID> 
> > >
> > I can't seem to find any documentation on the configurable "connect response 
timeout" of an ActiveMQConnection.>
> > >
> > Believe it's used only in method ensureConnectionInfoSent() but still would 
like to understand it and also is the default value 0 reasonable or would it not make 
sense to configure a relatively short timeout value.>
> > >
> > - Martin>
> > >
> > >

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