
I'm using ActiveMQ < classic > 5.16.0 and I have a question related to slow 

In my use case, I only use topics with non-durable messages. As per the doc, 
the prefetchSize is 32767.
I have a constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy on this topic with a limit of 1000 
I can observe both values on the webconsole accordingly when they reach the 
limit (I see 32767 messages in the dispatch queue size and 1000 messages in the 
pending queue size)

I have a bunch of slow consumers, which do not set any prefetchSize (hence they 
have the default 32767 value).

My question is: how can I set, change or force this value from ActiveMQ side ?

I don't want those consumers to connect without a prefetchSize value, and I 
consider the default value too high for my usecase.
That's why I would like to reduce this value.

Any hints on this ?
Thanks! :)


C2 - Usage restreint

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