You read my mind.  I was literally drafting my follow-up question when this 
arrived.  It was to ask about exactly that -- a generic AMQP C++ client that 
would work with ActiveMQ.  This one, being so 'Java-ized', with dependencies on 
libraries familiar only to Java folks, (and some of those libraries 
unmaintained,) is going to be challenging for C++ folks (like me) to use.  I 
appreciate the pointer to Qpid, and the hint that STOMP clients might be an 
alternative too.

I wanted to feed back an update, in case anyone is curious:
The part that was failing was ~/activemq-cpp/activemq-cpp/m4/find_cppunit.m4, 
as part of the autoconfiguration scripts for the build.  I could rewrite that 
to properly use pkg-config instead of the deprecated cppunit-config, but there 
would surely be a steep learning curve, and no guarantee I wouldn't encounter 
insurmountable obstacles.  So, I decided to try an older version of 
libcppunit-dev, which still includes the cppunit-config tool.  I don't know if 
this was the smart way to do it or not, but I found version 1.13.2-2.1 in the 
Stretch repository, so I added that repo to my /etc/apt/sources.list, updated 
my apt cache, and then:
$ sudo apt-get install libcppunit-dev=1.13.2-2.1

$ make check          now builds the unit tests as promised, and only 3 of the 
2275 tests failed.

The integration tests didn't fair as well, with 132 of 133 failing with errors. 
 I'd estimate at least a quarter of those result from no username/password 
being supplied.  I recall that being the problem with the example provided in 
the Windows version that I tried a few days ago.  I'll go look on the Java side 
for the same tests to see if they've been updated.  I have a hunch that old 
ActiveMQ allowed anonymous messages and new ActiveMQ does not.

I'll go down this path a bit further in hopes I can make it work before giving 
up on it (unless you warn me I'm wasting my time).

I truly appreciate your help, Tim.  I owe you a giant happy-hour schooner of 
beer and bowl of shrimp at the Anchor Bar at The Fish Market at the bottom of 
King Street.  😊

(former Old Town Alexandria resident)

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Bish <> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: activemq-cpp unit tests not building

On 2/23/22 15:02, james wing wrote:
> Thanks Tim!  Is ActiveMQ just not being maintained anymore?  Or it is just 
> the C++ client that has been abandoned?  Just not enough demand on the C++ 
> end?

The ActiveMQ brokers are being maintained however the C++ doesn't have any 
volunteers maintaining it at this time.  You can try other C or C++ clients 
such as the AMQP clients hosted by the Qpid project or a STOMP client of which 
there are many.

> --Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Bish <>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 12:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: activemq-cpp unit tests not building
> On 2/23/22 14:16, james wing wrote:
>> I'm attempting to build & install activemq-cpp client on a Debian system, 
>> with unit and integration tests.
>> After git-ing the latest source and following instructions in the README.txt 
>> (and/or here:
>> ) , I 
>> run the "make check" command that reportedly "will verify that the library 
>> is functioning correctly on the target platform. In addition, it will 
>> generate the integration tests binary."
>> It reports entering and leaving some directories (main and examples) and 
>> reports "Nothing to be done for 'check'." In those directories.  It also 
>> reports entering and leaving the parent directory (activemq-cpp), but 
>> doesn't report doing anything there.  If it builds anything, there is 
>> certainly no indication of it, and the "activemq-test-integration" 
>> executable that it is reportedly intended to build is nowhere to be found.
>> To confirm the CppUnit libraries are installed:
>> $ apt list --installed |grep cppunit
>> WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in 
>> scripts.
>> libcppunit-1.14-0/oldstable,now 1.14.0-3 amd64 [installed,automatic] 
>> libcppunit-dev/oldstable,now 1.14.0-3 amd64 [installed]
>> But I am unsure of one piece of the instructions:
>> "Make sure that the paths to the installed CppUnit library and includes are 
>> visible in your current shell before you try building the tests."
>> How do I do that?  I don't know what is meant by a path being "visible", nor 
>> which includes, nor which CppUnit 'library' (the .so, and the .a files?).
>> Somebody understanding what that ambiguous (to me) instruction means could 
>> probably instantly spot the answer in the following:
>> $ echo $PATH
>> /opt/bitnami/activemq/bin:/opt/bitnami/common/bin:/opt/bitnami/gonit/
>> b 
>> in:/opt/bitnami/java/bin:/opt/bitnami/java/jre/bin:/opt/bitnami/nami/
>> b 
>> in:/opt/bitnami/activemq/bin:/opt/bitnami/common/bin:/opt/bitnami/gon
>> i 
>> t/bin:/opt/bitnami/java/bin:/opt/bitnami/java/jre/bin:/opt/bitnami/na
>> m i/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
>> And...
>> $ dpkg -L libcppunit-dev
>> /.
>> /usr
>> /usr/include
>> /usr/include/cppunit
>> /usr/include/cppunit/AdditionalMessage.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Asserter.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/BriefTestProgressListener.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Exception.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Message.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Outputter.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Portability.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Protector.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/SourceLine.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/SynchronizedObject.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/Test.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestAssert.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestCaller.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestCase.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestComposite.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestFailure.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestFixture.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestLeaf.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestListener.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestPath.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestResult.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestResultCollector.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestRunner.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestSuccessListener.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TestSuite.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TextOutputter.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TextTestProgressListener.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TextTestResult.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/TextTestRunner.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/XmlOutputter.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/XmlOutputterHook.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/CppUnitApi.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/SelectDllLoader.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/SourcePrefix.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/config-bcb5.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/config-evc4.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/config-mac.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config/config-msvc6.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/config-auto.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/AutoRegisterSuite.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/ExceptionTestCaseDecorator.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/Orthodox.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/RepeatedTest.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestCaseDecorator.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestDecorator.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestFactory.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestFixtureFactory.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestNamer.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestSetUp.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestSuiteBuilderContext.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TestSuiteFactory.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/extensions/TypeInfoHelper.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin/DynamicLibraryManager.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin/DynamicLibraryManagerException.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin/PlugInManager.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin/PlugInParameters.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/plugin/TestPlugInDefaultImpl.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/portability
>> /usr/include/cppunit/portability/FloatingPoint.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/portability/Stream.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/tools
>> /usr/include/cppunit/tools/Algorithm.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/tools/StringHelper.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/tools/StringTools.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/tools/XmlDocument.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/tools/XmlElement.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/ui
>> /usr/include/cppunit/ui/text
>> /usr/include/cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h
>> /usr/include/cppunit/ui/text/TextTestRunner.h
>> /usr/lib
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcppunit.a
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/cppunit.pc
>> /usr/share
>> /usr/share/doc
>> /usr/share/doc/libcppunit-dev
>> /usr/share/doc/libcppunit-dev/README.Debian
>> /usr/share/doc/libcppunit-dev/changelog.Debian.gz
>> /usr/share/doc/libcppunit-dev/changelog.gz
>> /usr/share/doc/libcppunit-dev/copyright
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
>> So, I took a guess and decided to
>> $
>> PATH=$PATH:/usr/include:/usr/include/cppunit:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
>> u
>> $ export PATH
>> $ ./
>> $ ./configure
>> I think the important part of the output from configure is:
>> checking for cppunit-config... no
>> checking for Cppunit - version >= 1.10.2... no no. Unit and 
>> Integration tests disabled
> In the past it was observed that newer versions of cppunit don't ship with a 
> cppunit-config script or if one is present it no longer works with the 
> autoconf tooling in ActiveMQ-CPP which is now unmaintained for quite some 
> time.  It's quite likely you'd need to modify the autoconf scripts to figure 
> out where cppunit is installed on a modern linux distro with a newer CPPUnit 
> library that probably uses more current pkg config data.
>> I have nary-a-clue when it comes to makefiles (and related).  Can anybody 
>> point me in the right direction?
>> Thanks,
>> --Jim
> --
> Tim Bish

Tim Bish

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