Thanks a lot Justin!

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Bertram <> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: EXT: Re: Artemis with JMS: best way to have python clients ?

AVERTISSEMENT: cet email provient de l'extérieur de GE. Veuillez valider 
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You should be able to send a message to the broker with any supported protocol 
and consume that same message with any supported protocol. The broker will take 
care of any necessary conversions. This is one of the main reasons why message 
brokers are often used to integrate lots of different types of applications.


On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 2:47 AM Pachod, Joseph (GE Healthcare) <> wrote:

> Thanks a lot Edson
> Does it mean you communicate between Java and Go using different 
> protocols? I'll have to dig in more on the matter 😊
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edson Richter <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 6:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: RES: EXT: Re: Artemis with JMS: best way to have python clients ?
> AVERTISSEMENT: cet email provient de l'extérieur de GE. Veuillez 
> valider l'adresse e-mail de l'expéditeur avant de cliquer sur les 
> liens ou les pièces jointes, car ils risquent de ne pas être sûrs.
> I’m on same boat: I do use JMS on Java side, and Stomp on “Go” side.
> Works great, but take care of the “notices” in documentation about 
> some difference between both protocols.
> If you use “json” as messages, then I do believe you’ll not find any 
> difficulties. The problems normally arise when you use byte[] in 
> message (Since STOMP is a text protocol).
> Regards,
> Edson Richter
> Enviado do Email<> para 
> Windows
> ________________________________
> De: Pachod, Joseph (GE Healthcare) <>
> Enviado: Monday, March 14, 2022 5:32:37 AM
> Para: <>
> Assunto: RE: EXT: Re: Artemis with JMS: best way to have python clients ?
> Thanks for this extensive answer, thanks a lot. Let's dig more into 
> 😊
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Lundström <>
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 10:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: EXT: Re: Artemis with JMS: best way to have python clients ?
> AVERTISSEMENT: cet email provient de l'extérieur de GE. Veuillez 
> valider l'adresse e-mail de l'expéditeur avant de cliquer sur les 
> liens ou les pièces jointes, car ils risquent de ne pas être sûrs.
> Hey Joseph!
> We use ActiveMQ Classic but I'm pretty sure everything I say still 
> applies to Artemis.
> We use STOMP from script languages (Python and Perl currently) which 
> works but you have to be aware of the documented drawbacks[1] of STOMP 
> as a protocol. It works great though!
> I would like to use AMQP 1.0 but there are only a few libraries that 
> supports AMQP 1.0:
> * Apache QPid Proton[2] uses C-bindings for Python so you have to compile
>   it everytime you install it IIRC.
> * Microsofts new uamqp which also has C-bindings and while it works with
>   ActiveMQ requires some "hacks" (for lack of a better word). It's
>   supposedly going to be rewritten in Pure Python which would be awesome
>   but it looks like it's going slowly. There is also only one (major,
>   recent) public contributor which makes me nervous about the future of
>   the project.
> All in all, I think we'll be using STOMP for the foreseeable future.
> Without really looking that much into it MQTT seems too basic, even 
> more than STOMP, to support the pub/sub and advanced routing that I 
> suspect that you will use. But I have no idea.
> BR,
> - Simon
> 1, <>
> <
> omp.html
> >
> 2, <>
> 3, <>
> On Thu, 2022-03-10 at 13:59:47 +0100, Pachod, Joseph (GE Healthcare) wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > We're currently using Artemis from JakartaEE and Spring Boot
> applications, both sending and consuming messages from durable topics 
> through JMS 2.0.
> >
> > We would like to also have python clients, still for pub/sub on top 
> > of
> durable topics, but we could move from JMS to something else if needed.
> >
> > Is there "proven/recommended" ways to do so ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Best regards
> > Joseph PACHOD
> > Staff Software Architect, DoseWatch
> > GE Healthcare
> >

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