I am pleased to announce the release of ActiveMQ Artemis 2.23.0 release.
Downloads are now available at: https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/download/ For a complete list of updates: https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/download/release-notes-2.23.0 This release is adding Jakarta EE 10 to the list of supported APIs. and as usual bug fixes and improvements. Notice that I am following up shortly with a 2.23.1 release including an addressed fix on ARTEMIS-3856 which I am creating an earlier release in abundance of caution. ARTEMIS-3856 is addressing some logic on NettyConnection read-writing logic that would fail under extreme load. The failures seen would only cause some annoyance on logging and would be ignorable, but in abundance of caution we are releasing sooner than later. 2.23.0 is also including an important fix that would cause high CPU usage if your client is creating too many sessions (for example, not reusing your sessions during message sends). -- Clebert Suconic