

to the [Service] section of your systemd unit file


Le 07/07/2022 à 16:09, Richard Bergmann a écrit :
> I have been struggling with the Too Many Open Files issue running Artemis as 
> a service within a service (if that is not confusing enough).  My 
> /etc/security/limits.conf files contains:
> -----
> .
> .
> .
> # End of file
> *    soft    nofile 81920
> *    hard    nofile 81920
> -----
> Originally it was set to 8192 and I was able to start the service from the 
> command line: /opt/artemis/bin/artemis-service start
> When I did so and ran:  lsof -p <artemis pid> | wc -l
> it reported some 5K files open by the process, hence the reason it wouldn't 
> run with the default limit of 1024.
> I then tried to start the SystemD service: sudo systemctl start artemis
> using this in /etc/systemd/system/artemis.service:
> -----
> [Unit]
> Description=ActiveMQ Artemis Service
> [Service]
> ExecStart=/opt/artemis/bin/artemis-service start
> ExecStop=/opt/artemis/bin/artemis-service stop
> Type=forking
> User=<my id>
> Group=<my group>
> [Install]
> -----
> and it failed with the Too Many Open Files error.  So I increased it to the 
> 81920 shown above, rebooted, and I STILL get the Too Many Open Files error.
> Is there something special about the way services are started such that it 
> doesn't use /etc/security/limits.conf to determine the number of open files 
> allowed for a process?
> Regards,
> Rich Bergmann
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