Hi there,

Active MQ is our default Message Broker for asynchronous communication.

ActiveMQ support has been removed
<https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/28591>from Spring
Boot 3/Framework 6 due to ActiveMQ client not supporting a JMS 3.0 client.
Due to the migration from *javax.jms* to the *jakarta.jms* in JEE9 it looks
like it won't be possible to use JMS 1/2, so we won't be able to use Active
MQ client as-is.

We use Spring Cloud Stream
to abstract the message broker, so there is an opportunity to swap to a
different broker.

We could also explore Artemis, the next major version of ActiveMQ (v6) with
a JMS 3.0 client.

Our doubt is: is the community interested in a JMS 3.0 client for ActiveMQ?
we could work on it and create a PR in https://github.com/apache/activemq,
any thoughts?

We also tried a byte code transformation of ActiveMQ client to change
imports from javax.jms to jakarta.jms using the *maven-shade-plugin*. but
it feels a little bit hacky to put that in Production.

Thanks in advance

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