
I have a requirement to log all invalid user/password connection attempts.
  I have enabled audit logging by uncommenting the line in the *env *file
that says:

*ACTIVEMQ_OPTS="$ACTIVEMQ_OPTS -Dorg.apache.activemq.audit=true"*

When I use the web console or the activemq command line console to send a
message, I do get log entries that say:

*WARN | Failed to add Connection id=..., clientId=..., clientIP=.. due to
User name [blah] or password is invalid.*
*WARN | Security Error occurred on connection to: tcp://..., User name
[blah] or password is invalid.*
*INFO | Stopping tcp://... because Failed with SecurityException: User name
[blah] or password is invalid.*

And that's great except that when I attempt a connection with known-bad
credentials via a Java application, I don't get anything on the server side
but the client does throw an exception.

Is there any way to get ActiveMQ to log those occurrences as well?


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