Ok.  I guess that’s enough to keep it then.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 7:03 AM Dondorp, Erwin <erwin.dond...@cgi.com.invalid>

> > Thoughts?
> I keep all my system documentation also on an e-reader.
> Any compatible single-file edition of the documentation can be used there.
> But I use it rarely and would not mind doing my own conversion.
> Would be nice when documentation for the conversion-procedures is still
> available.
> e.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org>
> Sent: maandag 6 februari 2023 18:58
> To: users@activemq.apache.org
> Subject: [DISCUSS] discontinue PDF, EPUB, & MOBI docs for Artemis
> EXTERNAL SENDER:   Do not click any links or open any attachments unless
> you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
> EXPÉDITEUR EXTERNE:    Ne cliquez sur aucun lien et n’ouvrez aucune pièce
> jointe à moins qu’ils ne proviennent d’un expéditeur fiable, ou que vous
> ayez l'assurance que le contenu provient d'une source sûre.
> Currently as part of the release process for Artemis we build docs in these
> formats:
>  - HTML
>  - PDF
>  - EPUB
>  - MOBI
> I think we should only build docs in HTML and stop building them in PDF,
> EPUB, & MOBI. Building the extra formats adds a surprising overhead to the
> release process, and I don't think they are useful enough to warrant the
> effort.
> Thoughts?
> Justin
> P.S. This started out on the dev list, but I moved it to the users list to
> get a feel for what users think about these docs.
Clebert Suconic

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