ActiveMQ Artemis offers JGroups integration for cloud use-cases such as
yours, but, generally speaking, we don't really provide support for JGroups
in the ActiveMQ community since we don't maintain the JGroups code-base and
don't know its inner workings.

That said, I would suggest that the JGroups configuration using FILE_PING
shipped in the examples may not be the best for your use-case. We chose the
FILE_PING configuration because it was the simplest for the use-cases in
the examples (i.e. where all the nodes are running on the same machine on
different ports with access to the same disk). However, something like
KUBE_PING [1] would probably be a better fit for your use-case since you
are, in fact, using Kubernetes.

In any event, it's hard to comment on what may be happening without more
information. You've only provided a snippet of the stack-trace for the
UnknownHostException so it's not clear what class is actually attempting
that operation.



On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:27 AM <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> How are you? I am a bit confused about the errors reported by artemis slave
> instance (running in clustered mode using jgroups). I might be missing
> something here so please bear with me.
> Deployment details: I am running 2 pods of artemis in master/slave
> configuration in k8s. It supports NFS v4. I am using jgroups configuration
> (same file which is supplied in examples of artemis) and I can see that
> correct pod names and IPs are updated in share directory
> -------- output from jgroups file ----------------
> root@jms-01-deployment-6d7dcb8ccd-2t9g2:/opt# cat
> /usr/share/artemis-jgroups/active_broadcast_channel/ab62408d-6a7a-4894-9923-2649d8bf3b28.jms-01-deployment-6d7dcb8ccd-2t9g2-29095.list
> jms-01-deployment-6d7dcb8ccd-2t9g2-29095
> ab62408d-6a7a-4894-9923-2649d8bf3b28 T
> jms-01-deployment-6d7dcb8ccd-j7pxl-34353
> 5b3d099b-8e5f-4dd0-ab43-604ad1ae87c3 F
> --------------------------------------------------------
> POD "jms-01-deployment-6d7dcb8ccd-2t9g2" is the master and another is
> slave. Correct POD ips are listed there. But in log/artemis.log file of
> slave pod, I see these logs
> -------------------------------
> 2023-03-15 11:29:51,519 ERROR [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client]
> AMQ214016: Failed to create netty connection
> jms-01-deployment-6d7dcb8ccd-2t9g2
> at$CachedAddresses.get( ~[?:?]
> at ~[?:?]
> at ~[?:?]
> -----------------------------------
> jgroups is correctly creating and updating files. IPs of master/slave pods
> are visible from each other. I have tested them using command
> "./artemis check node".
> Right now I have created deployment objects. Is it necessary to create
> stateful sets?
> Am I missing something here? Let me know if you need more information on
> this.
> Regards,
> Prateek Jain
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> EXPECTATION : Causes all troubles......
> --------------------------------------------------------------

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