We are facing a strange issue while syncing messages from source to target 
broker cluster using Core bridge. Our source and target brokers are symmetric 
cluster and each has 2 nodes.

Since both source and target cluster has 2 nodes each, we have defined bridges 
from source cluster to target cluster as following. Idea is any source node can 
send messages to any available target node independently.

This configuration is working fine most of the time but all of sudden we see 
some messages in delivering count on any of the source nodes. Bridge stat on 
that source node also shows a gap b/w 'Message Acknowledged' vs 'Message 
Pending Acknowledgment'. This gap is same as no. of messages showing in 
delivering count. Address stat on this queue also shows gap b/w 'Message Added' 
and 'Message Acknowledged'. This gap is same as no. of messages showing in 
delivering count. If this issue is happening due to networking trouble, then 
bridge should auto recover in some time. If new messages come on queue, they 
are getting processed but the older delivering count messages are never cleared 
on its own.

If we stop and start the bridges then most of the time, these delivering 
messages are cleared. We are not able to find the root cause behind this 
incident. Any input/lead will be very helpful.
Please also note that at the same time, we have other bridges b/w same source 
and target clusters on different addresses but we are not facing this challenge 

Source node1
<bridge name="FILES.RECORDER.1">
<bridge name="FILES.RECORDER.2">

Source node2
<bridge name="FILES.RECORDER.1">
<bridge name="FILES.RECORDER.2">

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