Hi Domenico,

> maybe this issue is due to the cache, see
> https://github.com/apache/activemq-artemis/blob/2.31.0/artemis-server/src/main/java/org/apache/activemq/artemis/core/security/impl/SecurityStoreImpl.java#L409
> Could you try to clear the authentication cache using the operation
> clearAuthenticationCache?

It helped.
After executing clearAuthenticationCache opertation, I have successfully sent a 
message without entering username and password.
But when I checked later, I've got previous error.
I have cleared authentication cache serveral times and tried to send messages 
through console. It seems that I can send message immediately after clearing 
cache, and 5-30 seconds after that operation.

There are settings in broker.xml:
authentication-cache-size: 10000
authorization-cache-size: 10000
security-invalidation-interval: 120000

When I configured LDAP authentication several months ago, I have increased both 
caches size from default (1000), but I don't know if it is small or large for 
our environment, and how to check it's usage.
It is a shared instance for testing in development environment, and there is a 
lot of user logon events.
I have also increased security invalidation interval to minimize LDAP servers 
load. Maybe these settings has effect on this problem.

Best regards,


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