
I'm using WildFly which uses Artemis as JMS provider. With WF 31 they updated to Artemis 2.31.2. In this version the new PrimaryOnlyPolicyConfiguration appeared. The getType method of LiveOnlyPolicyConfiguration was changed and returns the enum from PrimaryOnly. But in class ConfigurationUtils, method getHAPolicy checks this enum and casts the given object to PrimaryOnlyPolicyConfiguration. But if this is a LiveOnlyPolicyConfiguration, this code throws a ClassCastException.

I think this is a kind of bug. If LiveOnlyPolicyConfiguration returns the enum from PrimaryOnly, the config utility class should not try to cast unconditionally to PrimaryOnlyPolicyConfiguration. This can't work. Do you also think this is a bug?

But I may be wrong and WildFly uses an old way to configure Artemis and therefore I also posted this in the WildFly Google group.

Dipl.-Inform. Bernd Köcke

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