**Basic bug info**

When configuring a broker to auto-delete expired addresses like this:

<!-- broker.xml ... -->
<address-setting match="/tmp/#">
  <auto-delete-addresses>true</auto-delete-addresses> <!-- especially this -->
<!-- broker.xml ... -->


- correctly deletes automatically created, expired, queues
- **but does not** delete automatically created, expired, addresses (e.g. named 
  - this leads to many old, automatically created, addresses that fill up the 

**Further bug info**

- I use the broker as a relay for STOMP websocket messaging (spring boot).
- I also verified, that the addresses had queues / messages / consumers at 
least once.

**Affected versions**

- any Artemis version => 2.28.0 

Furthermore, I think I found the change, that causes this behavior:

- Version: 2.28.0 
- Ticket: ARTEMIS-4125 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-4125)
- Change: When destroying a queue, the address now only gets deleted if it (the 
address) is marked as temporary
- Code Change: 

However, in the *detailed* changelog of version 2.28.0 
 the change was only mentioned as 'Address can be removed inadvertently'.

**Other notes**

If this is indeed intended behavior, how would one go about auto deleting 
addresses, whose queues have expired?

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