If you have used any routing_key , please specify that using
in.setRoutingKey() . I dont see that one in your code.

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 9:00 PM, <a...@x5h.eu> wrote:

> I get no exception in the apex.log and yes the queue is durable.
>                                     vhost: /
>                                      name: task
>                               auto_delete: False
>  backing_queue_status.avg_ack_egress_rate: 0.0
> backing_queue_status.avg_ack_ingress_rate: 0.0
>      backing_queue_status.avg_egress_rate: 0.0
>     backing_queue_status.avg_ingress_rate: 0.5866956420847993
>                backing_queue_status.delta: ["delta", "undefined", 0, 0,
> "undefined"]
>                  backing_queue_status.len: 31
>                 backing_queue_status.mode: default
>          backing_queue_status.next_seq_id: 31
>                   backing_queue_status.q1: 0
>                   backing_queue_status.q2: 0
>                   backing_queue_status.q3: 0
>                   backing_queue_status.q4: 31
>     backing_queue_status.target_ram_count: infinity
>                      consumer_utilisation: None
>                                 consumers: 0
>                                   durable: True
>                                 exclusive: False
> The goal here is to connect to the RabbitMQ and fetch messages and write
> them to the console. I send the messages via a script or directly via the
> rabbitmqadmin console. Any Ideas why the program does not read from the
> rabbitmq?
> Cheers Manfred.
> Am 26.06.2017 um 17:14 schrieb vikram patil:
> Hi Manfred,
> Are you getting any exception in the logs ?  Check if your queue is
> durable.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vikram
> On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 8:37 PM, <a...@x5h.eu> wrote:
>> I have a problem getting the connection working with RabbitMQ:
>> I host the RabbitMQ on the same server the apex application is running.
>> +--------------------+---------+
>> |        name        |  type   |
>> +--------------------+---------+
>> | apex               | fanout  |
>> +--------------------+---------+
>> +------+----------+
>> | name | messages |
>> +------+----------+
>> | task | 31       |
>> +------+----------+
>> In the program for test issues I declare it this way:
>>  @Override
>>   public void populateDAG(DAG dag, Configuration conf)
>>   {
>>     RabbitMQInputOperator in = dag.addOperator("rabbitInput",new
>> RabbitMQInputOperator());
>>     in.setHost("localhost");
>>     in.setExchange("apex");
>>     in.setExchangeType("fanout");
>>     in.setQueueName("task");
>>     ConsoleOutputOperator console = dag.addOperator("console", new
>> ConsoleOutputOperator());
>>     dag.addStream("rand_console",in.outputPort, console.input);
>> }
>> But a look at the operators shows that it does not fetch any messages:
>>  {
>>     "id": "1",
>>     "name": "rabbitInput",
>>     "className": "com.datatorrent.contrib.rabbi
>> tmq.RabbitMQInputOperator",
>>     "container": null,
>>     "host": null,
>>     "totalTuplesProcessed": "0",
>>     "totalTuplesEmitted": "0",
>>     "tuplesProcessedPSMA": "0",
>>     "tuplesEmittedPSMA": "0",
>>     "cpuPercentageMA": "0.0",
>>     "latencyMA": "0",
>>     "status": "PENDING_DEPLOY",
>>     "lastHeartbeat": "0",
>>     "failureCount": "0",
>>     "recoveryWindowId": "0",
>>     "currentWindowId": "0",
>>     "ports": [],
>>     "unifierClass": null,
>>     "logicalName": "rabbitInput",
>>     "recordingId": null,
>>     "counters": null,
>>     "metrics": null,
>>     "checkpointStartTime": "0",
>>     "checkpointTime": "0",
>>     "checkpointTimeMA": "0"
>>   },
>> What am I doing wrong here? Since i can configure the RAbbitMQ side is
>> there a preferred way of configuration for apex?
>> Cheers
>> Manfred.

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