Hey Ananth,

We have semantic version control. For public library/Api, they should stay
no change in major release, so most operator in 3.3.x should be able to
work with 3.3.0 engine. The only exception is Api that marked
@evolving(nonstable). Kafka 0.9 is one of them. But I don't see any feature
of that operator couldn't work with 3.3.0 engine. And we will try best to
not change the public interface for Kafka 0.9 operator, unless there is a
big demand for some new feature from the community


On Saturday, April 16, 2016, Ananth Gundabattula <agundabatt...@gmail.com>

> Hello Siyuan/Ram,
> Thanks for the inputs.
> I was able to resolve the problem by excluding the dependencies of
> malhar-library and malhar-contrib from the dependency sections of the
> apex-engine , apex-api .
> This made the 3.3.1-incubating version of the malhar kick into the
> classpath and subsequently the malhar-kafka library with 3.3.1-incubating
> version) .
> Thanks for your time.
> This brings in one more question : Is it an acceptable practice that I
> package malhar-operator library in the lib path of my "apa" package ? In my
> case I had version 3.3.1 in my packaging structure which I want in my
> runtime as well ( due to 0.9 kafka operator ) but the apex engine itself is
> a version behind ( 3.3.0 ) .. I believe malhar-versions and apex-version
> will be on different pace with respect to evolution and versioning ?
> Regards,
> Ananth
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 1:43 PM, hsy...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','hsy...@gmail.com');> <hsy...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','hsy...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Hi Ananth,
>> Could you please try to add malhar-library in test scope? Thanks!
>> Regards,
>> Siyuan
>> On Saturday, April 16, 2016, Ananth Gundabattula <agundabatt...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','agundabatt...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I would like to run a unit test code using the new Kafka Operator that
>>> supports the 0.9 version protocol.
>>> In this process, I included the malhar-kafka library version (
>>> 3.3.1-incubating ) and am using the apex-engine ( version 3.3.0 ) with
>>> <scope> as test/provided.
>>> The compilation works fine but my unit tests fail to run properly with "
>>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.datatorrent.lib.util.KryoCloneUtils"
>>> exception.
>>> What is the recommended way to run a unit test which uses Kafka 0.9
>>> operator integrated with the Apex engine ? I am assuming that the
>>> malhar-contrib library kafka operator is not 0.9 compliant ..
>>> The unit test code is like this :
>>> The class CassandraEventDetailsStreamingApp extends the
>>> AbstractKafkaInputOperator in the below snippet of code.
>>> The exception arises in the method lma.getController();
>>> @Test
>>> public void testApplication() throws IOException, Exception {
>>>     try {
>>>         LocalMode lma = LocalMode.newInstance();
>>>         Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
>>> conf.addResource(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/dag-test-props.xml"));
>>>         lma.prepareDAG(new CassandraEventDetailsStreamingApp(), conf);
>>>         LocalMode.Controller lc = lma.getController();
>>>         lc.run();
>>>     } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
>>>         Assert.fail("constraint violations: " + 
>>> e.getConstraintViolations());
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Regards,
>>> Ananth

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