This subject is not true. Hey folks,
I'm running Arichva 1.3.1 in Tomcat 6.0.18 (jdk 1.6.0_18-b07 on Solaris/x86). I'm getting tons of ``errors'' of this kind: 2010-12-29 14:28:00,528 [http-80-14] WARN org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors - Transfer error from repository "opensaml-repo" for versioned Metadata com/bw/stuff/stuffFullEA/maven-metadata.xml, continuing to next repository. Error message: Download failure on resource []:Error transferring file: Connection timed out (cause: Connection timed out) The funny facts: *) "opensaml-repo" is the last in the list, yet it's causing downloads of this file to hang, and builds to fail (maven is far less patient than a browser) *) when running curl, I'm getting a 404 (as expected), NOT a timeout. *) first two repositories are the ones we're trying to replace by archiva. They deliver the document within miliseconds. *) This does not only to happen with the maven-metadata.xml file - but only for text files, not for binary files (.pom, .sha1) *) it only happens for opensaml-repo *) it stopped happening after a restart of Tomcat. Upgrade to 1.3.3 is planned, yes. But: Will it mitigate these errors? I really don't like to use my users as a monitoring system. (It's very hard to monitor this kind of behaviour automatically, since it doesn't happen for all files consistently.) So long, i -- Igor Galić Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883 Mail: URL: