My on again-off again issues with uploading have come back again.

I was trying to upload another large file to archiva, and the web
interface just barely, sort of, sometimes works for that.

So I tried to do it the right way, and use maven.

I made a little pom file for the zip I wanted to upload.

Made a little settings.xml file with the credentials.

Ran something like this:

mvn -s settings.xml deploy:deploy-file
-DgeneratePom=false -DpomFile=pom.xml

And maven simply pukes out (roughly):

[INFO] [deploy:deploy-file {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error transferring file

Error writing to server

And the uploading portion goes _way_ to fast - I know there is no
possible way that it actually transferred the file.  Yet, the bit
counter from maven (during the upload) claims that it has.

Any idea why this doesn't work?  It does work with small test files.

mvn version: Apache Maven 2.2.1 (r801777; 2009-08-06 14:16:01-0500)
Archiva version 1.3.4

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