I just had our IT guys clone our Archiva VM so I could test the upgrades and debug any issues.
Our setup has the following directories LOCAL to the server: - /archiva - conf - derbydb - logs - tmp The /archiva/data folder is an NFS mount point on our SAN that contains: - jcr - remotes - repositories However when I run on the new clone, I get an error stating that /archiva/data/jcr/workspaces is an invalid workspace root directory. Does the jcr index folder need to be local as well? What about remotes and repositories? If just 'jcr' needs to be local, is there a configuration parameter I can use to relocate it since I'd prefer not creating two separate mount points for remotes and repositories. -- Jeff Vincent See my LinkedIn profile at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjeffreyvincent I ♥ DropBox <http://db.tt/9O6LfBX> !!