On 19 March 2015 at 21:11, Isabelle Guimiot <isabelle.guim...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I noticed that checksum files were always created again on all the
> artifacts during each repo scanning. In the log, I could see messages like
> :
>  Created missing checksum file
> /archiva_install/repositories/internal/com/company/project/myjar/1.2/myjar-1.2.jarsha1
> There's a dot missing at the end of the path, should be myjar-1.2.jar.sha1
> instead of myjar-1.2.jarsha1 , and I think this issue comes from this line
> in the code, file ArtifactMissingChecksumsConsumer.java :
>  File checksumFile = new File( this.repositoryDir, path +
> checksumAlgorithm[0].getExt() );
> It should be :
>  File checksumFile = new File( this.repositoryDir, path + "." +
> checksumAlgorithm[0].getExt() );
> Because without the dot, it doesn't find the checksum file, wrongly thinks
> it's missing, and re-creates it ! It's not a blocker bug, but it slows down
> large repos scanning...

Sounds definitely a bug :-)

> Need a jira for this ?

Yes please (just to have a reminder :-) )

> Thanks !
> Isabelle

Olivier Lamy
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