I dug a bit deeper, and also took a quick tour-de-code, and this is what I found:

On 18/07/15 21:58, Thomas Goeppel wrote:
1) Using the "View Artifact Content" feature in the Browse Repository
view: clicking on the magnifying glass remains without visible result.
It looks like the "View Artifact Content" is yet to be implemented
(there is no <a href> tag in in the `search.html` template)

2) It looks like my installation doesn't handle the Jetty contextPath
correctly: downloading artifacts from the webapp only works when I use
"/" as the contextPath, not e.g. "/archiva"

The browser shows 'http://localhost:8090/archiva/repository/internal/com/myshop/mysample/myzip/2.5.3/myzip-2.5.3.pom
When I peak into the expanded `search.html` template I see the following:

<a href="http://localhost:8090/archiva/repository/internal/com/myshop/mysample/myzip/2.5.3/myzip-2.5.3.pom";> <img src="images/drive-removable-media-16-16.png" title="Download Artifact">

My Archiva instance is behind a reverse proxy, and it looks like
'restServices/archivaServices/browseService/artifactDownloadInfos/' (called by
'#artifact-details-download-content') has an issue.

The fact that the issue doesn't appear to be in 'archiva-webapp' but in 'archiva-rest-services' raises the question if operating Archiva behind a reverse proxy is viable in a production environment.

3) When I use "/archiva" as the contextPath, clicking on the Archiva logo
in the upper left corner brings me to "www.mydomain.org" instead of

OK, this can be fixed easily by entering http://www.mydomain.org/archiva in the #uiconfig page. It's almost reassuring that Archiva didn't try to take me to "http://localhost:8090"; like in the case above.

==> New question:

a) would you recommend using Archiva 2.2.0 in a production environment (without using a reverse proxy)?

b) would using Archiva 1.3.9 be an option?

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