 We proxy our archiva install behind nginx such that 
https://dev.server.com/archiva/ —> http://localhost:99999/ . I’ve been trying 
to read the documentation on how to update, but I’m afraid, I’m a bit lost.  A 
few questions:

Where is the redback config stored, is it in 
apps/archiva/WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/archiva/redback-security.properties ?   
If so, can this be added to the doc, and also, moved into the conf/ directory? 
If not, where is it?
when I start archiva and go to the URL, I get the following warning… Referer 
Header does not match: refererUrl=https://dev.server.com/archiva/, 
targetUrl=http://dev.tdar.org. Matches: Host=true, Port=false . But, I don’t 
see how to fix the port issue according to the doc 



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