
In early 2015, we made our Archiva docker image public. It's had a small
following on github/dockerhub and we field questions on it from time to
time. As best we can tell, it's the de-facto docker image for Archiva.

We recently moved to Kubernetes and were faced with the decision of
dropping the archiva image and moving to another repository manager, or
re-upping and modernizing the image. We chose to re-up and modernize the
image and we now have a "version 2" image with an companion helm chart to
make it easy to run in Kubernetes.

I wanted to reach out to see if you had any interest in making our image
your official one and pulling it the Archiva source. I think it's
reasonable to assume new Archiva deployments are likely to be
containerized, and Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration
platform. If our small image and chart can save you time, we'd be quite
happy hand it over.

Here's the project links for reference:

 - https://github.com/xetus-oss/docker-archiva
 - https://github.com/xetus-oss/helm-charts/tree/master/xetusoss-archiva

Let me know,

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