
OSGi R5 introduced a repository format that includes metadata about OSGi bundles that enables the OSGi resolver to assess which bundles are needed to fulfill the requirements you give it. That index can be generated based on the available bundles. Since Archiva provides a Maven repository, it would be very convenient if that index could be automatically generated by Archiva so that it can be used during development and production. We currently use Package Drone (https://www.eclipse.org/package-drone/) for that, but since we encountered a problem that really limits us and development of Package Drone has more or less halted. Therefore I am looking around for an alternative. If you need more information, please ask.

Kind regards,


On 26/06/19 06:35, Olivier Lamy wrote:
Not sure what do you mean with generating and service OSGI R5?

On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 at 00:08, Jelle Nelis <jellene...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Quick question, is there a plugin to support generating and service an
OSGi R5 index through Apache Archiva? If not, are there any efforts
towards this goal?

Kind regards,


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