Any stack trace in the server log?

On Fri, 1 Nov 2019 at 20:57, Anders Nyström <an...@thermocalc.se> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to use the rest service copyArtifact, but I can't get it to
> work. Feels like I have tried everything. I am trying to do this with
> groovy and this is how my code looks at the moment. The info in
> artifactTransferRequest is from the response of searchArtifacts
> def copyArtifact() {
>   def baseUrl = "..."
>   def request = new RESTClient(baseUrl + "/restServices/archivaServices/")
>   request.headers['Authorization'] = "Basic " +
> ("username:pass".bytes.encodeBase64().toString())
>   request.handler.failure = { response ->
>     println "Unexpected failure: ${response.status}"
>   }
>   def copyArtifactResponse = request.post(
>     path: "repositoriesService/copyArtifact",
>     contentType: JSON,
>     requestContentType: XML,
>     body: {
>       artifactTransferRequest {
>         targetRepositoryId  "tagged-releases"
>         packaging           "dll"
>         fileExtension       "dll"
>         type                "dll"
>         artifactId          "bla4"
>         groupId             "se..."
>         version             "2020.1"
>         repositoryId        "release"
>         context             "release"
>         url                 "..."
>       }
>     }
>   )
>   println "Status: " + copyArtifactResponse.status
>   if (copyArtifactResponse.data) {
>     println("Content Type: " + copyArtifactResponse.contentType)
>     println("Headers: " + copyArtifactResponse.getAllHeaders())
>     println("Body:\n" +
> JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(copyArtifactResponse.data)))
>   }
> }
> Here is the response I get:
> Unexpected failure: 500
> Caught: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'status' on
> null object
> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'status' on null object
> Regards
> Anders

Olivier Lamy
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