Hi Karl-Heinz,

there is no explicit functionality to do this. But the configuration is stored 
in archiva.xml and repositories are stored
in the filesystem, so it should be possible to do this. 
You can look at the archiva-jetty submodule. There are the necessary files 
needed to start a jetty server running
For publish and proxy functionality this should be sufficient. If you need to 
use search or metadata, archiva has to scan
the repositories after startup, which may be difficult to trigger on demand 
(there are background jobs running after startup).

If you need further help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask.



Am Montag, 13. April 2020, 16:43:32 CEST schrieb Karl Heinz Marbaise:
> Hi,
> currently I'm writing a Test tool[1] for Maven Plugins etc. I want to
> know if there is an option to use Archiva as Repository Manager
> programatically without UI setup only via code.
> The functionality I need:
>   * Serving a repository where the content is defined by a directory
>     with the appropriate structure.
>   * Providing a repository where artifacts can be published to (
>     great would a release and a SNAPSHOT repo).
>   * Proxy functionality to forward request to a defined
>     repository (for example Central)
> Or the question is: Can the setup being done programmatically and a
> Servlet container being started via code with limited funcitonality?
> Currently I'm trying to setup MRM[2] programatically without the plugin
> context...
> Kind regards
> Karl-Heinz Marbaise
> Apache Maven PMC
> [1]: https://github.com/khmarbaise/maven-it-extension
> [2]: https://www.mojohaus.org/mrm/index.html

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