> *  The documented JDK version supported by Archiva is no longer
> fully supported by Oracle, as it is simply too old

Which exact JDK versions did you try? I have a version running on RHEL with 1.8.0_322 without any issues.

I also just checked out the source and successfully built it on JDK 11.0.15 (Temurin) and on 17.0.3+7 without any significant issues. So I'm guessing this won't be too hard to fix.

*       If Apache Archiva is dead or dying, what is the recommended Maven 
repository manager today?

It has been pretty quiet on the mailing list for a while, and there haven't been any significant releases in recent times. The team did release a version withe Log4J security fixes, and there are a couple of recent commits on master, so it seems like things aren't entirely dead in the water.

Aside from the user interface, Archiva holds up pretty well, so it would be a shame to see it go.

 - Bram

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