Sounds definitely like a bug!
Do you have time to create a PR for this?


On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 03:23, machens <mach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello there!
> In Archiva's (v2.2.9) default configuration, repositories "internal" and
> "snapshots" have a path like this:
>    ./repositories/internal
> Prefix "./" causes all repo-api requests to fail with status code "Bad
> Request" (see below for an explanation and code reference).
> When looking at the folders created in the working directory, I also
> believe, the current default configuration for repo "Directory" and
> "Index Directory" has not been updated since paths have been reworked.
> Cheers
>   Holger M.
> Explanation of the Bad Request responses
> ----------------------------------------
> The server validates requests by checking if the given canonicalized
> resource path is equal to an absolute path and replies with Bad Request
> (400) if not. Unfortunately, the absolute path contains the user
> configured repository directory path, which may not be canonical. Found
> that in ArchivaDavResourceFactory (see snippet below).
> ArchivaDavResourceFactory:605
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LogicalResource logicalResource = new LogicalResource(path);
> File resourceFile = new File(
>    managedRepositoryContent.getRepoRoot(), path);
> if(!resourceFile.getCanonicalPath().equals(resourceFile.getAbsolutePath()))
> {
>    throw new DavException( HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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