I have the latest Archiva deployed on a system on port 8080.  Everything works 
great.  I want to secure it with SSL so I put Apache in front on port 443 with 
mod-proxy pointing to localhost:8080.  Pretty simple.

However, I can't get the pass through to archiva working.  I have looked up SSL 
configurations on the web and none of them seem to work.  I know that SSL 
itself works but it won't redirect to the initial Archiva home page.

I have this on a windows 10 machine.  Has anyone configured archiva with Apache 

Thanks - Erol Yalaz
DISCUS Software Co.

----------------mod proxy settings below-----------------------

ProxyRequests Off

#SSLProxyEngine On

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080

ProxyTimeout 600
#ProxyTimeout 2

#SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off

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