That’s the move, IMO.

That said, there are a fair amount of legacy deployments still kicking
around. For reference, every time a security patch is released somebody
pings our docker repo within a few days. So folks are using it and watching
for releases.

Providing the community with some examples of how to migrate to other
options (say Reposilite) would be responsible. I’ve been meaning to do that
myself for a few months and just haven’t found the time.

On Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 6:26 PM Olivier Lamy <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I can only see a little (almost none) activity with the project now.
> So, it's time to call for an Attic move.
> Please let me know me what do you think about this?
> Is there any volunteers who would like to help?
> Please note there is still possibility to continue the project out of
> Apache (some github forks) but this cannot be called anymore Apache
> Archva.
> Cheers,
> Olivier

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