Thanks to the hard work by the Biomart team - I was able to download the new Biomart version 0.8 to install and deploy on my RH Linux server... Everything seems working alright, except that the serve "ram away" a few times (quitely die). The observations are:

I use Xming to operate remote Biomart GUI on my Windows XP. I can start the Biomart with "" GUI. When done I can close the GUI and release the shell to it prompt, and even logout from the shell, while Biomart is running. However I have to keep my Xming alive in the background. When I attempt to turn off Xming, it warns:

 There are currently 2 clients connected; Shut down these client/server?

If I close Xming on my PC, the Biomart on my remote Linux dies.

I also tried to run the server from the command line, as in:
 > /usr/local/biomart/dist/scripts/ start

Sometimes it complains there is already a biomart running, while " stop" won't really stop it, that I had to kill the process (it's a short process name, different from normal) to try again.

Sometimes it starts, but I got errors on the http/web:
 HTTP Error, problem accessing /.Reason: Cannot find

Any advice please?

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