Thanks Pierre!

I do not believe a firewall can be responsible for this, the two machines
are sitting on the same local network, and I have a buildbot 0.8 instance
with buildworkers on the same network that function just fine.  That being
said, I destroyed the two machines and rebuilt them from the ground up on
0.9.0-rc4, and things seem to be working just fine, so at this point I'm
going to blame cosmic rays and wait to see if the issues pop up again.

I have a few more questions about 0.9:

1) Is it possible to arrange the rows of the table views such as the
"Schedulers" view or the "Workers" view?  They do not seem to be sorted in
any particular way, and it would be useful to either sort them
alphabetically, or even better allow sorting along arbitrary columns.

2) It appears that all schedulers are listed twice.  Is this intentional,
or am I misreading something?  See, for example, this page

3) How can I force multiple builds at once? I would expect that I can enter
the "Schedulers" page, select one of my force schedulers and initiate a
build across multiple buildworkers as I could in 0.8 (with the checkbox
interface) but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.  As it stands, I
have to navigate to each builder page in turn and force the build there.
This isn't very fun when you have, for instance, packaging builds you want
to kick off for multiple OS's at once.

4) Enabling the "console" view, then performing a "reload" will leave the
build master in an invalid state, causing the web interface to error out.
You have to stop the buildmaster and then start it again after enabling a
new plugin, it seems.  Should there be a bug about this?

5) The console view <> doesn't do
anything for me; it just sits there. The log doesn't show anything
happening, is this a bug perhaps?


On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 5:59 AM, Pierre Tardy <> wrote:

> Le ven. 23 sept. 2016 à 22:45, Elliot Saba <> a
> écrit :
>> Hello Pierre, thank you for the very quick response!
> Hi Eliot,
> thats why I try to answer quickly. If I dont, then I forgot to answer
>> Using `ps -ef | grep python`, I can see that my buildbot-worker process
>> has been running continually for ~3 days now, so I don't think the process
>> is getting killed.  Furthermore, the buildbot-worker twistd.log shows that
>> things are (fairly) normal, except that we seem to be hitting timeouts.  Here
>> is a section of the buildbot-worker's log
>> <>
>> that I believe shows an entire "build cycle".  The connection failures
>> repeat many more times before reconnecting to the master properly, and the
>> whole cycle repeats.
> Besides the worker process being killed, another explanation is that you
> have some firewall that does not like long lasting connection on unknown
> ports. Could that be the case for you?
> If the worker is doing nothing, do you also see the disconnection every
> 16min?
>> Another question: when I navigate into detail pages, (for instance, when
>> navigating into the build_ubuntu64 builder page
>> <>) then trying to navigate
>> back, I click on the "Builders" breadcrumb at the top of the page, which
>> takes me back to the "Builders" page, but doesn't get rid of the
>> "build_ubuntu64" breadcrumb at the top.  Is that expected?
> Yes, this is a known issue related to angularjs way of doing the scope
> lifecycle. You need to be careful, and verify that the page is still there
> when you recieve the answer to a REST api.
> In other term, my answer for now is: stop clicking to fast!
> The real answer is that this is something that has to be fixed, but
> probably not for 0.9.0
> I will be releasing rc4 tonight with the UI width fix that you requested.
> Regards
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