Hi Falk,

Unfortunatly, getChoices do not work anymore with buildbot nine.

The configuration fo the forceschedulers is now purely static.

There is  a bug for that:

I can see from another email on this list that you are interrested in
having a list of recently pushed tags.
I think this make sense, and buildbot_travis has some experimental
implementation for similar stuff.

I think the best option is for yout is to create a custom parameter which
would query the change api, and filter by category, and repository

for example this gives the list of pull requests of buildbot.

There is no tag changes yet in this bot, as the github hook wasn't
configured to push tag events.

There is an example in the source code of a custom parameter.
The use case is slightly more complex, but it should be easily simplifyable.
I understand however that this method is much more work thant the previous
getChoices method :-/


Le lun. 17 oct. 2016 à 16:21, Tristram, Falk <falk.trist...@cognex.com> a
écrit :


I am currently in the process to convert an existing master.cfg from 0.8.12
to 0.9.0.

The guide “Upgrading to Nine” helped.

Now I am stuck at the point where the ChoiceStringParameters don’t work as

The corresponding selection forms on the website are empty.

I could track the problem down, that the function “getChoices” is not
called any longer.

I post some code that worked with 0.8.12:

class GitChoiceParameter(ChoiceStringParameter):

    name = "gitchoice"

    def __init__(self,



                 repository, **kwargs):

        self.repository = repository

        log.msg("Initialized GitChoiceParameter for %s %s" % (name, label))

        ChoiceStringParameter.__init__(self, name=name, label=label,

    def getChoices(self, master, scheduler, buildername):

        # This never gets called

        log.msg("GitChoiceParameter getChoices %s " % self.label)


# As from the docu

codebase = util.CodebaseParameter(“”, “Repo”,
branch=GitChoiceParameter(name=’branch’, label=’Branch:’, repository=’…’))

Once I add choices=[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’]

util.CodebaseParameter( …., repository=’…’, choices=[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’])

I can see ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ on the website.

BUT my getChoices function is still not called at all.

Best regards,

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