Weekly Meeting

Buildbot has weekly meetings via irc, held at 17:00 UTC on Tuesdays. That is about 2 hours from now!

Meetings are in #buildbot on Freenode, open to any and all participants. They generally focus on organizational, rather than technical issues, but are open to anything Buildbot-related. To raise a topic, add it to "All Other Business" in the agenda, or just speak up during the meeting.

Meeting minutes are available here.

Trac Tickets

New/Reopened Tickets

Closed Tickets

Buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

3064[WIP] Add callback function for GitHubCommentPush
3068[WIP] obfuscate secrets
3069Add GitHubEntAuth object
3070the change-abandoned event handler added
3072SlaveDirectoryUploadCommand: Make more robust
3074changes: add additional information to properties in GitHubPullrequestPoller
3077Added a https://pushover.net/ reporter.
3079steps: add assert renderable step to master steps
3080Support docker-py > 1.10.6
3083added github tag and release handlers

Completed Pull Requests

3039Process changes from git tag push events
3051We can run all the buildbot.tests and buildbot_worker.tests on Python 3
3054fix the usePTY feature
3056Adding the tzdata package
3058use change.revlink instead of trying to build links
3063add top-level LICENSE duplicating {master,worker}/COPYING
3065fix appeyor build
3066RETRY should be 5 and CANCELLED 6
3067support secret token in gitlab changehook
3073Webhook events
3081Py3 fix3

Buildbot-Infra Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

Completed Pull Requests

Meta-buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

Completed Pull Requests

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