Hello, I am trying to get to grips with using Buildobt. I am using it with
a rather quirky vcs (IBM CM Synergy), which has its own query syntax when
you want to checkout code or list baselines.
To that end I am using ShellCommand. Something like this

f.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=['ccm baseline -list local_release_x']))

This works and basically lists all the baselines in local_release_x.

Notice that it is a single string.

In the example above local_release_x is a hardcoded string value.

I would like to make it dynamic i.e create a local_release_x property.

I think a custom function get_release_function() is what I am looking
to implement, where the function returns a variable

 that can be plugged into the shell command.

f.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=['ccm baseline -list

Can anyone suggest how I can do this?

I don't seem to understand how/if I can use command.extend
or if I should/could be using interpolate/extract_fn

Please advise.

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