Hello I would like to set a property from a command, after parsing the output of the command reading the docs <http://docs.buildbot.net/current/manual/configuration/buildsteps.html?highlight=setpropertyfromcommand#setpropertyfromcommand> I see
def parseComplexCommandOutput(rc, stdout, stderr): jpgs = [l.strip() for l in stdout.split('\n')] return {'jpgs': jpgs} f.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand(command="ls -1 *.jpg", extract_fn=parseComplexCommandOutput)) This is almost what I am looking, except that my command is rather long and has dynamic parameters, something along the lines of, command="select * from %s where build_number=%s" %(cmd_param1,cmd_param2) So I need to construct it first def complexCommand(props): cmd_param1=str(my_sql) cmd_param2 = props.getProperty('build_uid') command="select * from %s where build_number=%s" %(cmd_param1,cmd_param2) return command f.addStep(ShellCommand(command=complexCommand, extract_fn=glob2list)) What I am trying to do is to run the command in complexCommand, and have the output sent to stdout so that parseComplexCommandOutput can parse it and extract the bits that I want to set a custom property. Is this possible? Do I need a custom build step to do these 2 things?
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