On Jun 10, 2020, at 16:06, honas graelwrote:

> I am playing with buildbot I've got a setup just master and worker on 2 
> separate virtual machines.
> I want to set up the URL to make use of HTTPS, So far I've found that i can do
> http://docs.buildbot.net/current/manual/configuration/global.html#cfg-titleURL
> c['title'] = "Buildbot"
> c['titleURL'] = "http://mybuildbot/";
> I want to change the title url to use https and not http
> I don't know much about SSL or TLS. Could someone 
> point me at how I can configure my buildbot setup to use https


"Note that SSL is not supported. To host Buildbot with SSL, use an HTTP proxy 
such as lighttpd, nginx, or Apache."

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