I'm in the process of converting our buildbot 0.8 installation to version 2. I 
need to see how it looks with a realistic amount of data to see whether this 
new configuration will make sense. I'd like to import the most recent 1000 
commits from our repository and have buildbot run builds for each of them.

I managed to import the commits this way:

In psql, drop the buildbot database and create a new buildbot database
Run buildbot upgrade-master
Start buildmaster
-> This runs the GitPoller which records the lastRev in the object_state table
Stop buildmaster
In psql, change the lastRev in the object_state table to be the commit hash 
from 1000 commits ago
Start the buildmaster
-> This runs the GitPoller which imports all the commits from lastRev to current

But then it only starts one buildset for the latest commit:

2020-07-26 00:26:28+0000 [-] added change with revision 
e89672647a533fa2990cc708b1cdac4474c20b08 to database
2020-07-26 00:26:28+0000 [-] added change with revision 
144954bfd92780e02ff2c5bac443a786c9cc185e to database
2020-07-26 00:26:28+0000 [-] added change with revision 
f2ee9406fec1b81173f816a180167af810a5e173 to database
2020-07-26 00:26:28+0000 [-] added change with revision 
9ef23a102daa3d4d85b0010f618918115cafcd2c to database
2020-07-26 00:26:38+0000 [-] added buildset 1 to database

Is there an easy way to get it to add a buildset for each commit that it added?

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