Weekly Meeting

Buildbot has weekly meetings via irc, held at 17:00 BST (London Time) on Tuesdays.

Meetings are in #buildbot on Freenode, open to any and all participants. They generally focus on organizational, rather than technical issues, but are open to anything Buildbot-related. To raise a topic, add it to "All Other Business" in the agenda, or just speak up during the meeting.

Meeting minutes are available here.

Buildbot Issues

Opened Issues

5601Git step on Windows does not checkout branch on initial clone
5605Secret Management docs miss two important points
5609MailNotifier fails with SMTP error if useTLS=False but buildbot[tls] has been installed.

Buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

5606buildbot.data.types.DateTime is an integer
5607Minimal error reporting for GitHubPullrequestPoller
5608Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 44

Completed Pull Requests

5578fix renderable issue when using P4 stream
5585Merge HttpStatusPushBase and NotifierBase
5590properties: more accurate way to cleanup secrets
5598Renamed WorkerTooOldError to WorkerSetupError
5602build(deps): bump cryptography from 3.1.1 to 3.2
5603worker: Report exceptions raised during command startup
5604test: Test cases when P4 p4base or p4branch args have spaces
5610Adding more information about buildbot package build requirements.

Buildbot-Infra Pull Requests

None this week

Meta-buildbot Pull Requests

None this week
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