
I was wondering if you have any tips on setting up a symmetric multi-master
for handling builds for masters running on the same machine.

Currently, we have a two master configuration where one master is serving
the web service exclusively while the second is coordinating the builds.
Before switching to this two master configuration, the interface was quite
slow when multiple builds were running, but now this issue is solved.
However, there still is a delay for starting builds so we would like to add
a third master for handling the builds that shares the same config with the
exiting one. We use DockerLatentWorkers exclusively and simply adding a new
master doubles the amount of running builds instead of splitting the load.
Do you have any tips on what might be the easiest solution to split the
load? The masters run on the same machine.

P.S Also, we have quite a few file transfers between workers and master and
we have sometimes noticed a very slow transfer speed. Can this be caused by
an overloaded master?

Vlad Bogolin
users mailing list

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