Hi Ryan,

> This surprises me because for all of its faults I was under the impression 
> that Time Machine does at least back up file contents correctly. But I don't 
> know whether an sqlite database is in a consistent state on disk while it is 
> being used e.g. by Buildbot.

Unfortunately, unless you lock your database before a backup, copying/backing 
up an open Sqlite database file will not work. See 

> Is there any other better way to recover data from a malformed sqlite 
> database or to determine in what way it is malformed?

Not that I know of any unsupervised way to sanitise a broken buildbot database. 
But you could have a look at the database yourself and see if there is anything 
that looks broken and remove those records manually. As you’re on a mac, have a 
look at Liya https://apps.apple.com/de/app/liya/id455484422?mt=12.


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