Hi Peter,

the route looks good to me.

* The in-messages of the original exchange and the resource exchange are always identical. The out-message of the resource exchange will contain the result from 'direct:enrichMovie'. * What message exchange pattern do you use when you test (print the contents of) the 'direct:enrichMovie' route? * Is the CinemaQueryAssembler thread-safe? You're doing parallel processing of split messages.


Peter Maas schrieb:
Hi list,

I'm developing a proof-of-concept application using Camel 2.0. Everything seems to work just find... except for the content-enricher. Both the resource exchange passed to my AggregationStrategy look identical. Whilst if I print the contents of the resource route I the the correct xml in the exchange after calling the http service. My routes look like this:

        // split messages when received from the incoming mq
        // enrich if move. Always stor in database
.when(vpro.xpath("/vpro:progr...@ismovie = 'true']")) .enrich("direct:enrichMovie", new ProgramMerger())
// the generic save route
.setHeader("xmldb.resource.name", vpro.xpath("//vpro:program/@id", String.class))
// route to retrieve data from external
        // rest service
.setHeader("title", vpro.xpath("/vpro:program/vpro:title[1]/text()", String.class)) .setHeader("director", vpro.xpath("//vpro:pers...@urn = 'urn:mpeg:mpeg7:cs:RoleCS:2001:DIRECTOR' and 1]/vpro:familyName/text()", String.class)) .setHeader("year", vpro.xpath("//vpro:year[1]/text()", String.class))
            .process(new CinemaQueryAssembler())

The xmldb producer is a patched version of the camel-extra project. Everything works fine, apart from the enricher...

Any hints?

kind regards,

Peter Maas

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