On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Henric Hedin <hhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I solved my problem by setting cacheLevelName=CACHE_NONE on the MQ JMS
> Endpoint. Now the message is backed out out directly, without the route/JVM
> restart.

We have a warning about it here:

Maybe we should add WMQ to the list as well that could have problems as well?

BTW Which versions of Camel, Spring and WMQ are you using?

> Regards,
>  Henric
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Henric Hedin <hhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Claus, the trick to not use the Spring Policy works good enough
>> for me!
>> Though, I still get a strange behavior. I'm using WebSphere MQ as the
>> incoming JMS-provider and for the input queue I have set "Backout requeue
>> queue" and the Backout threshold to 1. When sending a message to the input
>> queue which causes a parse exception, the message is removed from the input
>> queue and I could see on the queue depth is increased for the backout-queue;
>> but's its never committed (i.e. I can't see the message when browsing the
>> queue). When stopping my "Route builder"-flow/JVM the message is put back on
>> the input queue and the backout count equals 2. Then, when I restart the
>> flow/JVM again, the message is finally put correctly to the Backout queue
>> (and removed from the input-queue), without any exceptions occurring in my
>> Camel Route.
>> Could this have anything to do with the JMS (Spring) options or could it be
>> related to pooling in my (WMQ) connection factory? I will probably make some
>> further investigations and probably try AMQ instead to see if I get the same
>> behavior.
>> Thanks,
>>  Henric
>> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Henric Hedin <hhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > Is it possible to in some way to use the TransactionErrorHandler and at
>>> the
>>> > same time catch and handle exceptions?
>>> >
>>> > I have read the documentation under
>>> > http://camel.apache.org/error-handling-in-camel.html that for
>>> transactional
>>> > exchanges the Error Handler does not kick, so the following code in my
>>> Route
>>> > configure will not work:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > errorHandler(bean(TransactionErrorHandlerBuilder.class,
>>> > "transactionErrorHandler"));
>>> >
>>> > onException(SAXParseException.class).
>>> > handled(true).
>>> > policy(notsupported).
>>> > maximumRedeliveries(1).
>>> > transform().constant("Sorry, parse exception...").
>>> > to("jms:queue:validationFailed.SAXParseException");
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > from("jms:queue:input-queue?transacted=true").
>>> > unmarshal(jaxbDataFormat).
>>> > to("jms:queue:output-queue").
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > What I'm trying to accomplish is if a parsing exception occurs, I would
>>> like
>>> > my incoming message to be rolled back and put on the jms deadletter
>>> queue
>>> > (configured for the queue on the JMS provider, when the
>>> JMSXDeliveryCount
>>> > has reached it's threshold). But I would also be able to send an
>>> information
>>> > jms-message to the same jms-provider with information about why the
>>> message
>>> > has been backed out (of course outside the "incoming transaction").
>>> >
>>> > Maybe a strange solution, but is it possible to handle in Camel? :)
>>> > /Henric
>>> >
>>> No the DeadLetterChannel is disabled for transacted exchanges. There
>>> is a trick though, if you dont add the Spring Policy then it will
>>> default to REQUIRED and still use DLC.
>>> We are considering how we can provide options for end users in the
>>> future so you can use DLC for somerthing combined with transacted
>>> exchanges.
>>> The problem with transacted exchanges is that they are redelivered in
>>> a totally new thread so Camel has no wait of correlating a previous
>>> attempt, we can only rely on the few JMS options you get such as the
>>> JMSX counter. But we dont know when we have reached exhausted, to send
>>> the extra JMS message
>>> But any feedback and ideas is welcome what we can do in the future to
>>> bring more value to error handling with TX
>>> --
>>> Claus Ibsen
>>> Apache Camel Committer
>>> Open Source Integration: http://fusesource.com
>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

Open Source Integration: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/

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