Forget my post. The maximum redeliveries was not setted to ZERO but 1.

Charles Moulliard
Senior Enterprise Architect
Apache Camel Committer

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On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Charles Moulliard <> wrote:
> I'm faced to a strange problem. I see that a message posted in a queue
> is processed twice in a Camel route after an error has been raised
> with a rollback
> queueRequestEndpoint = activemq:x3s:request
> queueReportingEndpoint = activemq:x3s:reporting
> queueRequestMessageEndpoint = activemq:x3s:requestmessage
> Here is the route :
>                <camel:route errorHandlerRef="txErrorHandler">
>                        <camel:from ref="queueRequestEndpoint" />
>                        <camel:transacted ref="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/>
>                        <camel:doTry>
>                                <camel:convertBodyTo 
> type="com.xpectis.x3s.platform.model.Request" />
>                                <camel:bean ref="serviceHelper" 
> method="generateException"/>
>                                <camel:bean ref="serviceHelper" 
> method="parseRequest" />
>                                <camel:to ref="queueRequestMessageEndpoint" />
>                                <camel:doCatch>
> <camel:exception>com.xpectis.x3s.exception.X3SClientException</camel:exception>
>                                        <camel:bean ref="serviceHelper" 
> method="processException" />
>                                        <camel:to ref="queueReportingEndpoint" 
> />
>                                </camel:doCatch>
>                                <camel:doCatch>
> <camel:exception>com.xpectis.x3s.exception.X3STechnicalException</camel:exception>
>                                        <camel:to
> uri="log:com.xpectis.x3s?level=INFO&amp;multiline=true&amp;showException=true&amp;showCaughtException=true&amp;showStackTrace=true"
> />  -->
>                                        <camel:rollback/>
>                                </camel:doCatch>
>                        </camel:doTry>
>                </camel:route>
> Charles Moulliard
> Senior Enterprise Architect
> Apache Camel Committer
> *****************************
> blog :
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