
You can also try the camel-jpa component[1],
This unit test[2] may be helpful for you.



Pitre, Russell wrote:
Exactly what I was looking, just needed a little validation that I was
heading in the right direction.  I really appreciate the feedback!


-----Original Message-----
From: tide08 [mailto:sachin2...@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 1:58 PM
To: users@camel.apache.org
Subject: Re: Newbie looking for feedback on generating events from a
database insert

I have not done anything similar to do this but I have worked quite a
bit on
Camel. So here are my thoughts -

I do not see anything wrong with the approach, instead of writing to
and than writing it off to another JMS queue, you can make use of
ibatis/hibernate component and realize the table itself as queue.
you can ask camel hibernate component to delete entry from table when it
consumed and than route that message to any other component as you would


Pitre, Russell wrote:

I just discovered Camel and I am very excited to start working with

Since I'm just starting out I don't know the lay of Camel land yet and
would like to solicit feedback on my integration solution using Camel.
Ultimately what I want to do is generate an event when a record is
inserted into a MS SQL Server 2000 database.
These db records are inserted from a closed source thick client that I
have no way of integrating with and kick off a few manual business
processes that we would like to streamline.  The only way I see to
generate an event is to write an INSERT Trigger to insert a
corresponding record into a queue table.  I would then have a Camel
route that contains a 'timer' and  'bean' component to look at the
table, send a message to an ActiveMQ queue, mark the queue table
as processed and be done.  We would then setup a camel route for each
the additional business processes that we want to streamline.

I realize it's not a sexy solution, but it's simple and will get the
done considering I'm not working with integration friendly
Is anyone else doing something similar or have any comments (good or

Thanks for your input


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