Yes, supporting to set the route name would be very useful when you want manage the route states from JMS or API.

I just created a JIRA[1] for it.



boday wrote:
I see that Camel 2.1 now support starting/stopping routes via JMX/APIs.  But,
how do I identify routes properly at runtime...

For example, assume I have the following route...


They show up in JMX as "route1" and "route2".  The description/endpointURI
fields definitely help, but might be problematic to use when there are a lot
of routes.
The same applies to finding a routes with Camel APIs.  I can get a list of
routes using this...


I see that I can then call the following on a RouteDefinition to get to the
first endpoint name


I guess I could use this name to identify a route and then call
stop()/start() on it...but this seems like a very indirect approach to
identify it?  Am I missing something?

What I'd like to do is give a route an explicit name that can be referenced
later (in JMX/programmatically)...maybe the DescriptionDefinition class
could help, but am not sure how to use it...

something along these lines is what I'm looking for...


thanks in advance...

Ben - Senior Consultant
using SMX 3.3.1/Camel 2.0

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