Hi Andrew,

can you please provide a JUnit test that reproduces the problems you described (no reordering, missing messages etc.)? Just attach a running example to a JIRA issue.

Andrew Harvey schrieb:
Hi there,

I've been battling for a few days to get a resequencer working with ActiveMQ 
based on message priority. I'm hoping I might be able to get some help.

First off the issue was that the route wasn't being registered at all. That was fixed when 
I found that all the documentation I had found for the resequencer EIP and the spring 
documentation was wrong, and that one shouldn't use the <resequencer /> element, but 
the <resequence /> element. This is at least the case for my install of Camel which 
came with ActiveMQ 5.3 (I believe it is version 2.0.0). That was a fun couple of hours of 
tearing my hair out before I went and read the xsd to check that I was doing it right.

Now, I'm having issues getting the resequencer to work as I expect it to. What I 
currently have in my <camelContext /> is this:

              <from uri="activemq:queue:AnalysisIn" />
                <to uri="activemq:queue:AnalysisOut" />
                <batch-config batchSize="200" batchTimeout="4000" />

Now I've followed the documentation there, and messages do flow from the <from /> 
queue to the <to /> queue, but not with any reliability, and apparently no 

I'm using pyactivemq to pump messages in using the stomp transport, with 
priority ranging from 0-9, and I'm adding messages every 0.1 seconds. I put 354 
messages into the queue and only 27 make it to the other side. I'm not quite 
sure what I'm doing wrong there. Furthermore, when I do look at the messages, 
they do not appear to have been resequenced. I'll happily put this down to me 
not correctly specifying the header, but I'm stuffed if I know how to.

I'm quite new to both ActiveMQ and Camel, and am not the most comfortable 
person when it comes to Java, so I'm poking around in the dark for the mostpart 
– any help I can get would be most appreciated.


Andrew Harvey / Developer
t/ +61 2 9019 6379
w/  http://lexer.com.au

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