I updated the docs, thanks.

Willem Jiang wrote:
On 9/9/10 8:00 AM, Glen Mazza wrote:
Hi, I have a couple of questions on the SOAP DataFormat[1]:

1.) The documentation says this DataFormat "provides the basic features
of Apache CXF without need for the CXF Stack."

Does that mean it internally uses the JAX-WS Reference Implementation
which is in the JDK by default?
No, it just uses the JAXB to do the marshal and unmarshal work.

2.) The section on the "Webservice Client"[2] shows a code snippet on
making a SOAP call and also a potential route for doing the same. Are
*both* simultaneously needed to make the SOAP call, or just one or the
other will do? I think you need both, but just wish to confirm.

Yeah, you need these two part code to perform the invocation.

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CAMEL/SOAP


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