
I couldn't find the code/jar/doc for the camel-oftp component. Odds are 
interested users won't either (easily). Your blog post does not show what jars 
are needed and where to find them either. Did I miss it?

Could you please provide directed links?


On Sep 21, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Bruno Borges wrote:

> Hi all!
>   Some of you might know the Odette File Transfer Protocol, also know as
> OFTP. My work @Neociclo aims to present it to the community and as part of
> that, I'm introducing now the Camel Component for the Accord Odette, a OFTP2
> Java library.
> If you want to know more, please follow this link:
> Also, the project is hosted at
> The component is a Maven module of the Accord Odette project.
> Thank you,
> Bruno Borges
> +55 21 76727099
> "The glory of great men should always be
> measured by the means they have used to
> acquire it."
> - Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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