Yeah, there is still a lot of confusion. 
Unfortunately that page is bollocks and I'll have to get it cleaned up.
Mark, I think you did the right thing actually, in a processor one should *not* 
modify the in, but produce an out, if needed. It's time to get that clarified!

My $0.02,

On Oct 4, 2010, at 10:01 AM, Claus Ibsen wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Mark Webb <> wrote:
>> Thanks.  I have things working now.
>> It seems weird to me though that if in a Processor I take a message
>> in, transform it into a newly created Message object that I should
>> call Exchange.setIn(Message) instead of Exchange.setOut(Message).  I
>> think of a Processor as taking "in" a message and then sending it
>> "out", but it looks like that is not the case.  Just need to adjust
>> the way I think about things.
> You are not the only one. See this FAQ
>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Claus Ibsen <> wrote:
>>> See this FAQ
>>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Mark Webb <> wrote:
>>>> I am sending messages through a Camel route in ActiveMQ.  My message
>>>> reaches the end of the processing chain, and at the last processor I
>>>> call exchange.setOut( newly created DefaultMessage ).  When I look at
>>>> the admin page for ActiveMQ, the topic shows that there is a message
>>>> to be dequeued.  It even says that there is a consumer connected to
>>>> that topic, which is a GUI tool I wrote.  The GUI tool makes a call to
>>>> Consumer.setMessageListener.  So why are the messages not making their
>>>> way to my GUI tool?  I am stumped as to why the messages sit in the
>>>> topic and never leave if there is a listener for that topic.
>>>> Of course the first thought is, is the Connection started?  Yeah I
>>>> verified that.  In fact I can send messages to the topic via the
>>>> web-based admin tool for ActiveMQ and the GUI receives them.
>>>> Thanks for any help you have,
>>>> Mark
>>> --
>>> Claus Ibsen
>>> Apache Camel Committer
>>> Author of Camel in Action:
>>> Open Source Integration:
>>> Blog:
>>> Twitter:
> -- 
> Claus Ibsen
> Apache Camel Committer
> Author of Camel in Action:
> Open Source Integration:
> Blog:
> Twitter:

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